• Be Wise in Using Social Media | 2nd Winner KP Goes International Feb 2017

    Image source from marketingland
    At this time, riots were rampant hits indonesia. action either directly or indirectly in the form of tweets through social media. indonesia heats up or on fire because many spread news that is not obvious truth, however, is so drugged society too easily influenced into this chaotic situation. this led to the split of the existing diversity in indonesia. such as, invective between culture, religion, or political actors of the war in the nation‘s capital there, the president is often degraded through social media, or government acted as if this country is affected by the intervention of other parties. so that, respect for the government looks minus all, the people are too easy to vility the president, so there is no authority to make this country a high degree. because the behavior of people who dont reflect mutual respect in social media and a lack of respect on the government cabinet. but, this happens is not entirely wrong people, but government often create scandals and too proavocative that makes people heats and felt unworthy of it.
    now, justice, diversity, and freedom in indonesia are being threatened or are on the fence, because people are too easily carried away negative emotions on the outstanding issues without selected the truth first.
    people are too sensitive and too easy a word which could offend others through social media , such as for example, what happens to the former president SBY, he's bullied by the users of social media that made him feels disturbed and unfettered freedom.

    hopefully the government to review more about this mess. act decisively about the rules of indonesia, so it no longer poses the opinio that caused emergence of the notion that our country had been intervined by  outsiders. protecting the diversity, justice and freedom indonesian society without being influenced by the intervention of the other parties. dont  create the scandal that will makes the chaos, because the public would not blindly if the government or politicians not doing things that are strange and foreign in the public eye. give sense to the public.

    for indonesian society, I hopefully To be wise in using social media more and more selective again in the news or informations。control emotions, and if u want to criticize, criticize in a good way without causing any conspiracy.

    Name : Ridwan
    Room No. : E5

    Reference: www.thejakartapost.com/news/2017/02/08/sby-lectures-the-government-about-justice-diversity-freedom.html

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